
le' fleur

Baby pics
Baby food - yukko
Make a Wish!
Me me me me!
Coffee Time

Welcome to my little spot on the world wide web.  Get ready to see a lot of photography here as I enjoy it immensely!  You might notice doggie pictures but that's because the twins and I have a tendency to take a lot of pictures of them - we are obsessed to say the least!  Cozmo is a 2 year old short haired Dachshund and Bella is a 1 year old long haired Dachshund.  Now, if I could only get my hands on one more- LOL!

This year, Alexis and Zachary entered the 8th grade and will graduate Junior High at the end of this year.  David turns 18 in October and is in his Senior year which is really hard to believe.  My SIL works as an air traffic controller and David has shown an interest in this.  She is going to take him to work and show him around soon and I know he's looking forward to that.  Now, if I can just get him to call her and set up a date- LOL!  Dave's Senior year schedule is very low key, with a light class load he is home by noon and usually works out or goes to work.  Our babies are growing up too fast!
le' fleur
Scott and I are working hard as usual.  In August we will celebrate out 19th wedding anniversary and are looking forward to doing something big/special for our 20th.  Hawaii anyone???
I heart my baby girl
le' fleur
I have a new'ish email account:  cozmo907@att.net  ~ please feel free to drop me a line anytime. 
Girlie Ribbon

I got my graphics from "Full Moon Graphics".  Click on her logo to go there and have a look!  They are GORGEOUS, unique, and FREE.  I love her work.  I did change this set a bit because the header was a baby and I wanted to put my own babies at the top here.

Free Graphics from Kitty!


Coffee Time

E-mail me Baby
Home Sweet Homey
Home again Home again, jiggity jig